Welcome to the FPT HI GIO CLOUD help center

  • How to sign up for FPT HI GIO CLOUD?

    To Sign Up for FPT HI GIO CLOUD please follow these steps bellow:

    1. Visit higio.net
    2. Click Sign Up.
    3. Fill out the registration form and click CONTINUE.
    4. The system will send you an OTP (one time password) to your mobile phone number.
    5. Please input your OTP and click CONTINUE.
    6. After that the system will send you a verification email to your email address.
    7. Please check your inbox and click on the verification link in the email from FPT HI GIO CLOUD.
    8. After your successful verification, you’re all set and ready to Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
  • How to change my password?

    To change your password please follow the instruction below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click on your username in the upper right corner to open the dropdown menu
    3. Click Change Password
  • What if I forgot my password?

    To reset your password please follow these steps below:

    1. Visit the Log In page.
    2. Click REQUEST A RESET on the right side of the page.
    3. Type your username and click SUBMIT
    4. After that the system will send you an email with the link to reset your password. Please check your inbox and click on that link.
    5. Type your new password and click SAVE PASSWORD


  • How to change my billing information?

    To change your billing information please follow the instruction below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click on your username in the upper right corner to open the dropdown menu.
    3. Click to My Profile.
    4. Edit your information and click SAVE CHANGES
  • Can I create an account without buying any credit?

    Yes, you can sign up for FPT HI GIO CLOUD for free. However, to get full access to the cloud and to create a VM you must visit the BUY CREDIT page.

  • How to top up my account balance?

    To top up your account balance please follow the instruction below:

    1. Log Into your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click Credit in the top menu and click Buy Credit in the submenu. You’ll see many different vouchers on that page. Each voucher is equivalent to a particular amount of money which makes it easier for you to select an exact amount of money you want to credit to your account balance.
    3. Click on the vouchers you want to buy. You can select several different vouchers at one time. You can click on each voucher multiple times. Each time you will click on a voucher it will be automatically added to your bill. If you want to unselect any of your vouchers from the bill, click on the remove buttons in your bill.
    4. Check your total payment amount and click BUY CREDIT.
    5. Select a payment gateway and click CONTINUE.
    6. After you will successfully complete your payment the money will be credited to your account balance.
  • What are the sanctions if my account is overdrawn?

    If your account balance has become less than 50.000 VND after the last daily deduction, the system will automatically change your account status to RESTRICTED.
    This status will last for the next 24 hours until the next daily deduction. During that status period your account will work without interruptions and your VMs will continue to run, however you won’t be allowed to create any new VMs.

    If you haven’t topped up your account balance during 24 hours since your account has become RESTRICTED, the system will automatically change your account status to SUSPENDED. This status will last for the next 14 days.
    During that status period, all VMs will. be temporarily stopped and your access to the cloud portal will be temporarily denied.

    If you haven’t topped up your account balance during 14 days since your account has become SUSPENDED, the system will automatically change your account status to TERMINATED.
    If your account has become TERMINATED, all your VMs will be permanently stopped and removed, your access to the cloud portal will be permanently blocked and your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account will be permanently removed.

  • How to activate and use my coupon?

    To activate and use your coupon, please follow the instruction below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click Credit in the top menu and click Activate Coupon in the submenu.
    3. Type your coupon code and click CONTINUE.
    4. After you will successfully activate your coupon, the amount of your coupon will be added to your coupon balance.

    According to the FPT HI GIO CLOUD terms, the system deducts your daily spent amount from your coupon balance first. After your coupon balance becomes 0.000 VND the system automatically starts deducting from your main account balance.

  • Why doesn’t my coupon work?

    Please make sure that the coupon code you enter is correct, your coupon is valid and that your account balance is greater than or equal to 50.000VND.

    According to the FPT HI GIO CLOUD terms, coupons can be activated only if your current account balance is is greater than or equal to 50.000VND.

    Still experiencing troubles with activating your coupon? Please contact our support center.

  • How do I know if the system deducts from my account balance or from my coupon balance?

    According to the FPT HI GIO CLOUD terms, the system deducts your daily spent amount from your coupon balance first. After your coupon balance becomes 0.000 VND the system automatically starts deducting from your main account balance.
    So if you have active coupon balance, the next daily deduction will be taken from your coupon balance first.

    To check your daily usage and daily deduction from your account, please follow these steps below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click Billing in the top menu and click History in the submenu.
    3. Select history period and click SUBMIT.
    4. Click on the month you want to check to open the detailed monthly history.
    5. Click on the date you want to check to open the detailed daily usage report and your daily bill. You can see your daily usage cost and the deduction from coupon (if any) in your daily bill.

  • How to check my billing history?

    To check your billing history, please follow these steps below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click Billing in the top menu and click History in the submenu.
    3. Select history period and click SUBMIT.
    4. Click on the month you want to check to open the detailed monthly history.
  • Why is my invoice not correct?

    Monthly invoices, daily deductions and hourly billing are calculated automatically by the system. However, in some cases, due to some issues or a system error the invoice can be changed. If you have concerns about your monthly invoice or daily deduction, please contact our support center.

  • Can I register more than one account on my email?

    Yes, you can sign up for FPT HI GIO CLOUD and register more than one account using the same email address.

  • Can I register more than one account on my mobile phone number?

    Yes, you can sign up for FPT HI GIO CLOUD and register more than one account using the same mobile phone number.

  • How to delete my account?

    If you have concerns about your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account or want to delete your account, please contact our support center.

  • How to change my personal information?

    To change your personal information please follow the instruction below:

    1. Log In to your FPT HI GIO CLOUD account.
    2. Click on your username in the upper right corner to open the dropdown menu.
    3. Click My Profile.
    4. Edit your information and click SAVE CHANGES

If you have any questions, please ask us by filling the form below:

Sign up now to earn a free 50.000 VND coupon. CREATE AN ACCOUNT